Welcome to Savons de

Please kindly take note of the terms and conditions that follow as they link you with the merchant and owner of the site. In addition, you thereby accept the electronic communication mode with the marchant or all of your exchanges and that these meet all the requirements of a written communication.

We reserve the rights to refuse to serve you, to cancel an order, to close your account, to delete or modify the content of the Site or to cancel an order whether or not you have compiled with these terms and conditions.

if you encounter problems with an order, contact us as soon as possible at the following address:
[email protected]

Au savon de Marseille


Please see our privacy policy accessible at the bottom of our site to find out how we collect, share and manage your personal information.

The products and services offered are intended to be sold to adults who have reached the âge of majority where you reside.

For exemple the âge of majority in the province of Quebec is 18.

By using the Merchant’s Site you there for show and guarantee him that you are of the âge of majority in your place of residence.


We do everything in our power to ensure that all information published on our site is error-free, but we cannot guarantee this fact. We can refuse or cancel an order containing an article with an incorrect description or price.

Except for contrary indication, prices are indicated in Canadian currency.

The products offered on our Site as well as the dates of the offers, prices and availability, characteristics and technical specifications of these products are subject to revision and change without notice. It is possible that a product ordered online is no longer available in our inventory or that it cannot be delivered due to a situation beyond our control. We will then cancel the order and reimburse the sums paid in return, if this is the case.

Your only recourse in the event of non-conformity of the description of a product is to return it in its original packaging for the purpose of reimbursement., In accordance with the reimbursement provisions which apply below.


You will need to complete a registration form to access certain parts and functionality of the Merchant’s Site. You agree to provide us with current and truthful information and to keep it current at all times. You agree to protect the confidentiality of your username and password as well as access to your computer so that no other person uses it. You are responsible for all transactions made in our account using this information. You must notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your username and password and of any breach of security of which you are aware, and this within forty-eight (48) hours of knowledge of a such situation.


You have the possibility of posting comments and critics relating to the content of the Site. You are fully responsible for the comments that you post. We are not responsible for them. You agree to endemnify the Merchant against any damage arising from them. It is prohibited to speak on behalf of other people, to hide your identity or to make unlawful, obscène, threatening, defamatory or invasive remarks that may harm the privacy or the intellectuel property of a person, mailing or spam.

We reserve the right, without having the obligation, to modify the comments or to withdraw them, without explanations, and we assume no responsibility with the systematic revision of the published remarks.

When you publish a comment, you give the Merchant the non-exclusive right to use the name and the published content, royalty-free, in a perpetual and irrevocable manner, to reproduce, modify, adapt and to present it, to translate it, to diffuse and communicate it to the public anywhere in the world and on all supports.

We ask you to publish only one review per product, unless you wish to provide new information. You agree to only comment on the products you have personnelly tested and to use a respectful tone at all times. It is forbidden for the employees and competitors of distributors and manufacturers to publish comments.


These terms are governed by the laws of the province or state of Quebec or the country of Canada that apply to it. In addition, any judicial review against the Merchant must be brought before the judicial district in which the city of St-Hyacinthe is located.


In the event that you believe that an error has occurred during the placing of an order, we invite you to notify us without delay, but at the latest within 48 hours of its discovery by sending us a message to the following address: [email protected] and indicating to us in sufficient detail the error that was committed.


Unless you have chosen a specific carrier and a delivery time during the transaction for which additional costs may apply, the delivery method and the name of the carrier will be determined by the Merchant and our usual delivery times in your territory are established from 3 to 7 working days in Canada.

We undertake to release your purchases to you within a reasonable time subject to the availability of the carriers used by the sender, who are solely responsible for the delivery of the products or services purchased.

The risk of loss and the right of ownership of the good or service purchased are transferred to you at the time it is handed over to the carrier or if the goods cross an international border, this risk is transferred to you after customs clearance.


Cancellations of compliant and error-free ordersare not permitted.

You can exchange a good that does not suit you. In this case, you must inform the Merchant of the problem affecting your product and obtain an exchange authorization from him.

You can request the reimbursement of a property that does not suit you. In this case, you must inform us of the problem affecting your product within forty-eight hours (48 hours) of receipt of the latter from our customer service and obtain a refund.

Subject to the other provisions of these presents, your (refund) (exchange) (exchange refund) request must reach us no later than 2 days after the date of purchase.

If required by the Merchant, the returned product must be in its original packaging.

We do not assume the costs of return.

In all cases where a return of goods is required by the Merchant, the ownership of a returned good is transferred to him only when it has been received by him at his physical place of business.


The merchant will not be held responsible for direct or indirect damage, resulting from the use or misuse of the site or for the purchase of goods on it including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profit, the use of data or other intangibles, even if the merchant has been warned of the possibility of your damages.


The copyrights and trademarks contained in the information published on the Site are protected by laws relating to intellectual property and are made available on the site by the grant of a specific license in this regard.

In accordance with the laws relating to intellectual property in force, it is prohibited to use, display or exhibit any trademark, copyright or any other protected work accessible on the site for any reason other than to proceed. the sale of these products and services without the right to license third parties. The owners of the brands appearing on the site retain all rights which have not been expressly granted in these terms and conditions.

If you have reason to believe that breaches of the terms and conditions have been committed or if your work has been copied or is exploited on our site in a way that infringes on your intellectual property rights, please let us know. inform as soon as possible by sending us a message to the following address: [email protected] indicating to us in sufficient details the damage that has been committed.